How to integrate anyCall V7?

  • Mainnet AnyCall Contracts:

Available Chains: Ethereum, Optimism, BNB Chain, Fantom, Polygon, Arbitrum, Avalanche.

Contract Address: 0x8efd012977DD5C97E959b9e48c04eE5fcd604374

  • Testnet AnyCall Contracts:

Goerli (5): 0x965f84D915a9eFa2dD81b653e3AE736555d945f4

BNB Testnet (97): 0xcBd52F7E99eeFd9cD281Ea84f3D903906BB677EC

Fantom Testnet (4002): 0xfCea2c562844A7D385a7CB7d5a79cfEE0B673D99

Avalanche Fuji Testnet (43113): 0x461d52769884ca6235b685ef2040f47d30c94eb5

You can also lookup your tx with our explorer and api.


Requirements to be compatible with anyCall interfaces:

  1. Sender Contract: Your sender contract needs to call the method anyCall on the official anyCall contract.

  2. Receiver Contract: A method named anyExecute needs to exist on your _to contract address. This is needed because anyExec (Our deployed anyCall Contract) will call anyExecute on your receiver contract.

  3. Your contract needs to be payable to allow refund of excess fees.

anyCall Interfaces

anyCall (Called by Dapps)

function anyCall( address _to, bytes calldata _data, uint256 _toChainID, uint256 _flags, bytes calldata )

The destination chain would call anyExecute function on the _to address with _data passed in the function. And you can customize what you do with such _data.





The target contract to interact with on _toChainID



The calldata supplied for the interaction with _to

anyExecute will be run with this _data on the receiver contract you deployed.



The target chain id to interact with



How dapps are paying gas fee of tx execution:

0: Gas fee paid on source chain. Fallback not allowed.

2: Gas fee paid on destination chain. Fallback not allowed.

4: Gas fee paid on source chain. Allow fallback

6: Gas fee paid on destination chain. Allow fallback

anyExecute (This exact format needs to be implemented in your dapp, what would be called on the destination chain)

function anyExecute(bytes calldata data) external override onlyExecutor returns (bool success, bytes memory result)





The calldata supplied for the interaction with subsequent contracts

Returned Values



The address to call on _fromChainID if the cross chain interaction fails



The originating chain id


As stated above, AnyCallExecutor will make the final execution to your destination contract as a sandbox.

The address of this executor contract is stored in the main anycall contract. It can be accessed with an interface function like below.

interface CallProxy{
    function executor() external view returns (address executor);

The executor should then be saved in your contract constructor


Last updated