anyCall V6 Testnet Environments

anyCall V6 is fully live on the following testnets. anyCall will be deployed on more chains in the future.

The chain ids of the specific testnets should be used when using anyCall on testnets, for example, chain id 4 should be used for Rinkeby.

Goerli (5):0x3D4e1981f822e87A1A4C05F2e4b3bcAdE5406AE3

BNB Testnet (97):0xD2b88BA56891d43fB7c108F23FE6f92FEbD32045

Fantom Testnet (4002):0xc629d02732EE932db1fa83E1fcF93aE34aBFc96B

Fees: Before using the anyCall protocol, projects need to deposit some gas fee to the destination anyCall contract. Note that the address argument of the deposit(address _account) function should be the sender contract address on the source chain. The fee depends on the calldata size. The totalCost of one transaction = (gasUsed - gasleft()) * (tx.gasprice + _feeData.premium)

Last updated