Q1: What is the purpose of a brand refresh?

Founded in July 2020 as a cross-chain decentralized exchange, Anyswap is now transforming into a cross-chain solution provider. In order to create strong brand positioning in the market and provide users with better cross-chain services, Anyswap is relaunched as Multichain with a focus on infrastructure for arbitrary cross-chain interactions.

Q2: What’s the vision and mission of Multichain?

Multichain, as a cross-chain router protocol (CRP), endeavors to be the ultimate router for Web 3.

Q3: What does Multichain provide and what are its advantages as an infrastructure for arbitrary cross-chain interactions?

Multichain is a leader in terms of security, cross-chain speed and costs. Since its foundation in 2020, Multichain has evolved over three iterations from a 1:1 cross-chain bridge to an innovative cross-chain router system that interconnects multiple chains. Multichain offers an advanced and real-time Cross-Chain Router Protocol (CRP) system that supports cross-chain interoperability of tokens, NFTs, and general data across multiple chains.

Q4: Based on Anyswap, what are the improvements of Multichain?

  • User Experience: An all-in-one cross-chain interface

  • Cross-chain Speed: Four times faster than before with an average transaction time of 100 seconds

Q5: When the new website goes live, would Anyswap website stop working?

Once upgrade is completed, a brand-new website: https://Multichain.org/ will be put into use. The original domain https://anyswap.exchange/ will work as normal but have no more updates.

Q6: What measures does Multichain take to make sure the security of its system?

  • Non-custodial + MPC model technically guarantees the security of crypto assets

  • Multichain is audited by TrailOfBits, SlowMist and PeckShield. Security reports are available on https://github.com/anyswap/Anyswap-Audit

  • Multichain has established a bug bounty scheme to incentivize valid bug reporting from communities.

  • A security fund has been established to provide protection for system operation and financial security in the event of unforeseen risks.

Q7: Would upgrade affect original partners of Anyswap? How to apply for a new listing?

Brand upgrade only involves changes to the brand name and relative aspects. It does not involve any change in the operating entity and will not have any impact on the services and products currently in use. In addition, rebranding would not affect any previous partnership. Multichain is committed to providing high-level products and service delivery constantly.

All cross-chain applications can use Multichain cross-chain router for free. Multichain is looking forward to cooperating with more projects for a promising future. For a free listing application, please visit https://dard6erxu8t.typeform.com/to/C7RwF08A.

Q8: Would governance token ANY still exist when it is replaced by MULTI? What will happen if ANY is not converted to MULTI?

It is a one-way swap. Only ANY can be converted to MULTI while MULTI-ANY swap is not available. There is no cut-off time for the conversion. Once ANY is converted to MULTI, converted ANY will be locked in the smart contract. We recommend starting ANY-MULTI swap as soon as possible in case of unnecessary losses.

Q9: How and where to swap ANY to MULTI?

Swap can be done via a web portal - https://multichain.org

ANY - MULTI swap should be initiated by token holders with a ratio of 1:1, i.e., 1 ANY is equal to 1 MULTI. For detailed rules and procedures of ANY-MULTI swap, please refer to the "Token Swap Guide" (https://anyswap.medium.com/how-to-convert-any-to-multi-rules-and-procedures-1752385139f1)

Q10: What are the directions and goals for Multichain?

Multichain will subsequently go live with NFT cross-chain bridge and anyCall solutions for arbitrary cross-chain contract calls to meet new cross-chain applications such as multichain lending, multichain yield aggregator, Cross-chain decentralized exchange, etc. Multichain strives to make continuous progress towards the infrastructure of web3.0.

Q11: Multichain Financing Foundation Allocation

Multichain financing is carried out in the form of tokens. The tokens are from the Multichain foundation allocation, and they are all locked in a certain period of time listed as below:

  1. 60% of the token: locked for 8 years

  2. 30% of the token: locked for 3 years

  3. 10% of the token: locked for 1 year

Q12: Where are uncirculated MULTI tokens?

The uncirculated MULTI tokens (81,360,680 MULTI, 81.36% of total supply) are locked in the MultiDAO smart contract, and its specific use is determined by the DAO. There will be governance votes for MULTI utility in the future. Until then, the tokens will not be unlocked.

MultiDAO contract address: https://etherscan.io/address/0x1722800c0f1bfdf916ef948ef7790a861e90d558

Last updated